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  • 2155 Dunwin drive unit 4A, Mississauga Ontario, Canada L5L 4L9
  • Mon - Fri : 09:09-09:09 (EST)

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Business Visitor


How to visit Canada on business?


If you want to visit Canada on business, you will need to understand what a business visitor is, what things you can do by this, what you will need to do or bring to enter Canada.


What is a Business Visitor?


You are a business visitor if you came to take part in international business activities. Or if you are visiting Canada to advance your business relations, for investment purposes, and for growing your business.


The validity of a Business visitor visa is up to 6 months with some terms and conditions.


How to show you are a business visitor


One must show the following things to qualify as a business visitor to Canada:


  • – Make a plan to stay less than 6 months.
  • – Don’t plan to enter the Canadian labor market.
  • – Applicant should have proper documents that support your application.
  • – Your main place of business should be outside of Canada.
  • – Applicant should fulfill the basic entry requirements:
    •      – Have a valid Passport
    •      – Don’t have any criminal record, security, or health risk to Canadians.
    •       – Have enough money to stay and meet your expenses.

Types of activities you can do as a Business visitor


  • – Buying Canadian goods and services for a foreign business.
  • – Going for the meetings, conference.
  • – To take orders of goods and services.
  • – Giving after-sale services like a warranty.
  • – Training employees of Canadian a branch of a foreign company.

What do you need to enter Canada?


If you are a business visitor, you will need either a visitor visa or eTA (Electronic Travel Authorization) to come to Canada. You may also be asked to provide you biometrics also. 


What to bring with you to Canada?


Applicant should have the following documents in their hand when they arrive at the airport or border:


  • – A valid passport for your entry and stay.
  • – A valid visitor visa.
  • – Letter of support from the parent company and the letter of invitation from the host of the meeting.
  • – Documents like warranty or contracts, depending on your reason to visit.
  • – Contact details of your business host in Canada.
  • – Proof of enough money for staying and returning back.