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Caregiver Pilot Program


For hiring a home support worker or home child care provider


There are 2 pilots that lets you  to hire a foreign in-home as a caregiver:


  1. – Home Child Care Provider pilot under the National Occupational Classification 4411, excluding foster parents.
  2. – Home Support Worker pilot under the National Occupational Classification 4412, excluding housekeepers.


The Home Support Worker and Home Child-Care provider pilots program provides home caregivers along with the opportunity to become permanent residents when they will have 2 years of eligible work experience in Canada. It also allows their family members to come to Canada to work or study while they get work experience.


Hiring a caregiver from overseas


All employers not from Quebec who want to hire an in-home caregiver from overseas have to hire by these two pilot programs.


If an applicant submits a Labour Market Impact Assessment application through the Temporary Foreign Worker Program for hiring a caregiver who is outside of Canada, so their work permit application won’t be processed.

Hiring a caregiver who’s in Canada


If you want to hire a foreign a caregiver who is already in Canada, so you can do so by the following programs:


  • – Live-In Caregiver Program
  • – Home Child Care Provider and Home Support Worker pilots
  • – Temporary Foreign Worker Program


If you are not sure which program should you should use to hire through, compare the Pilot Programs with the Temporary Foreign Worker Program.

How to hire the in-home caregiver by Pilot Programs.


Hiring a caregiver in Quebec


The programs of Home Child Care Provider and Home Support Worker pilots are not applicable to the caregivers who will work in Quebec. To hire a foreign in-home caregiver in Quebec, the applicant should apply for a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) and hire them by the Temporary Foreign Worker Program.


Find a caregiver


As an employer, one can hire an in-home caregiver by finding an eligible candidate, either a foreigner or in Canada, and can provide them with an offer of employment. The in-home caregiver will then submit their application to one of the pilots.


The employer can decide with the caregiver if they will live in or out of your home.


The candidate must be eligible


For getting a work permit, the foreign national (caregiver) must show that they fulfill the eligibility criteria and admissibility requirements of the pilots.

This commonly includes the:


  • – Language proficiency test results that show they can communicate in English or French
  • – work experience in National Occupational Classification (NOC)
  • – a Canadian post-secondary diploma or certificate of at least 1 year, or an Educational Credential Assessment report, which shows how their education compares to a Canadian post-secondary education credential of at least 1 year


Make an offer of employment


After the employer finding a candidate that the employer wants to hire as an in-home caregiver, offer the candidate the job using the offer of employment form.


After filling out the form and employer must give a copy to your candidate. They must signed it. 


After the employer hiring of a caregiver


When they will have the offer of employment, the candidate can submit their permanent residence application through either the Home Support Worker pilot or Home Child-Caregiver pilot. The worker will also have to submit their work permit application along with their permanent residence application. If a worker meets the permanent residence criteria, then they’ll get a work permit.


The work permit will be valid for 3 years. It can take the time of 12 months for the worker to get their work permit.